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What is a Title 1 School?

Involving families as full partners in the education of their children is the cornerstone of the Fort Worth ISD. When families support learning, children are more successful in school. One way schools work to increase student success is through Title 1. The Fort Worth ISD receives funds based on the number of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

The District provides oppotunities for families to be actively involved in the planning, implementation, and review of school and District Title 1 programs. The school maintains written parent and familiy engagement policies that are developed and annually evaluated. Communication with families should occur in the native language of the family, to the extent practicable, and interpreteres utilized as necessary. 

OD Wyatt High School is a Title 1 school. This means we recieve federal funding to address the academic needs of our students and to assist them in meeting the state's high standards, particularly in the areas of reading, writing, science, and mathematics. We are required to keep the following in order to receive Title 1 funding to promote parental and family engagement as required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

  • School-Parent & Family Engagement Policy and Compact
  • Family Engagement Notebook which includes:
    • School-Parent and Family Engagement Policy
    • School-Parent and Family Compact
    • Meeting Agendas & Attendance Forms from campus events
    • Meeting Handouts
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Copies of notices to used to inform parents of meetings
    • End-of-Year Parent Engagement Evaluation Survey Results

The School-Parent & Family Engagement Policy and Compact communicates the expectations for family involvement and how the school will carry out those requirements, as well as address federal components and describe how the components will be implemented. The school must make this annual policy available for families and the community in an understandable format and language.