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Programs of Choice


Career and Technical Education


Why Career and Technical Education?

A career and technology based education will help your child to be more than just an average student. Career and technology education can give your child what’s needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills and employability skills. In addition, career and technical education helps students see how what they’re learning applies to the needs of employers.

Regardless of whether students are headed for college or the workforce, this type of education will help them prepare for the future. In fact, college-bound students can get job experiences to help them define their career plans, identify an appropriate course of study and help pay for tuition. Just think of the benefits your child will receive by gaining not only a solid foundation in academics, but also hands-on, technical experience and know-how.
Programs of Choice at Wyatt Career Clusters Career Readiness
Automotive Technology Accounting and Finance FWISD Career Readiness
Construction Technology Business Management Texas Workforce
Medical and Health Science Digital Multimedia and Animation  
Collegiate Academy
Culinary Arts

Contact for questions: 

If you have any questions about O. D. Wyatt's Programs of choice, please contact Mr. Cory Wegner at to have your questions answered.