College Entrance Exams
College Entrance Exams
TSI (Texas Success Initiative) is required if you are enrolling as a student in any Texas public community, technical college, or university. Students must take the TSI before enrolling in college courses unless you are exempt. Testing is done on Wyatt’s campus on specific dates, as well as on TCC South campus. There are exemptions from the TSI administration. Please direct questions for exemption to your counselor. SAT and ACT are standardized college entrance exams required by all 4 year schools. Students’ scores are used by college admission offices to determine if they are ready to handle the course work at their university. Students should be preparing to take these exams during the spring of their Junior Year. PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is a standardized test that measures developed verbal, mathematical, and writing reasoning abilities important for college success. The test is only offered in October (no make-up sessions) and FWISD allows for all sophomores and juniors to take the test. All students who take the test will receive an access code for My College QuickStart when they receive their results. This site gives a personalized online PSAT report, personalized SAT study plan, and an interactive college, major, and career search. |
TSI Texas Success Initiative Assessment |
Mometrix University | SAT College Board | PSAT/NMSQT Info | ACT Academy |
Union Test Prep | SAT Test Taking Practice | PSAT Test Taking Tips | Preparing for ACT (free practice test) |
Austin Community College TSI | SAT Test Dates | Free PSAT Practice | Preparing for ACT (Spanish) |
Tarrant Community College - TSI Assessment | SAT Scores | PSAT Scores | Sample Test Questions |
TSIA2 Math Test Prep | Khan Academy SAT Practice | Sample Writing Prompts |
For students needing additional support for the ELA portion of the SAT/PSAT/ACT/TSIA2 they may work with Ms. Faries and Ms. Robinson on Tuesdays and Mondays after school respectively. Ms. Faries and Ms. Robinson will use the score report breakdown to create an action plan for how the individual student’s tutorials will proceed. Students will attend tutorials weekly from the point requested until the week of the test or until improvement is satisfactory for both the student and teacher.
For students needing additional support for the Math portion of the SAT/PSAT/ACT//TSIA2 they may work with Mr. Haque and Ms. Muhammad on Wednesday’s after school and Monday-Thursday for Ms. Muhammad (she stay’s every day to assist her students). Mr. Haque and Ms. Muhammad will use the TSIA2 score report breakdown and the student’s PSAT/SAT/ACT score report to create an action plan for how the student’s tutorial will proceed. Additionally, for students specifically needing TSIA2 Math assistance, they may also watch YouTube videos from Michael Toohey for additional support for math; a large quantity of students have stated his videos helped a lot with improving their performance.
For students interested in Mr. Haque's SAT/PSAT Club, please contact him at The club meets Wednesday after school in his classroom, 1440.
TSIA2 Test Dates:
- September 29, 2023
- October 27, 2023
- November 17, 2023
- December 11 and final exams week (Dec. 18-21)
- January 26, 2024
- February 23, 2024
- March 31, 2024
- April 28, 2024
- May 15 and May 16 (all 10th-12th graders and those in Geometry and English 2)